February 2, 2023
9 mins
Revisiting the Gold Standard of Polling
Which polling methods performed best in the 2020 election?
Image shows the earpiece of a telephone.
Ear Piece Of Red Vintage Phone by Marija Vukovic from NounProject.com 

Verasight’s co-founder, Peter Enns, and senior data scientist, Jake Rothschild, discuss their analysis of 355 polls in 3Streams:

After the 2020 election once again revealed errors in polling, researchers were left wondering which methodologies are best positioned for the future of survey research. To help answer this question, Verasight co-founder, Peter K. Enns, and senior data scientist, Jake Rothschild, analyzed the results of 355 polls during the 2020 election and published their findings with 3Streams. They provide insights on how non-probability polls performed relative to probability polls and hybrid methods that combined probability and non-probability surveys. The results may surprise you! Read Peter and Jake’s article here.